Automatic Bag Tying Machine
MTW-TZ50 Automatic Bag Tying Machine
The machine is designed mainly on the basis of simpleoperation, economic durability, safety and minimum failure rate.
Suitable for simultaneous packing of the same carton size. lf it isnecessary to change the carton size, it can be adjustedmanually. The time required is 10-20 minutes.
The machine is reasonably designed with electrical structure,synchronized bag lifting, strapping, bag folding and pressing inone synchronized operation.
This machine can work alone or be used together with bag inbox inserter machine, barrel bag in bucket inserter machine andother packaging lines.
MTW-ZD50 Automatic Bag Folding Machine
The machine is easy-to-operate, sustainable, and safe with lowfailure rate.
The machine will work continually for the same tray size. Whenyou change the packing size, it will take 10-20 minutes to do thechangover manually.
With electrical and pneumatic construction, the machine candecufer bag, and fold the bag inside the box automatically.
lt can work with the single machine, and also can match with bag”in box inserter and automatic packaging line.